Today I'm going to share some of the things college has taught me over this past month! Whether you're a new college student, an upperclassmen, a high schooler, or an adult, I think this blog can help at at least some aspect in your life!
*this list is in no order of importance :)
God will lead you.
For those of you still figuring out where to go to college, let me tell you that God will lead you to where you need to be. I know it sounds cliche and I know it may not give you the instant answer you desire, but His plan for you will fall into place.
Personally, I knew exactly where God was calling me. But I have heard many stories of doubt, of transfers, of wrecked plans.... that all were apart of His plan. So trust the process! I know that is much easier said than done, but God will work for your good.
Leading up to move in day I had a lot of anxiety before coming to college. Throughout my senior year, I could not wait to get to college, I was literally counting down the days! But as my senior year dissolved and I never got the final "closure" before starting what seemed to be a whole new life, I was thrown into a storm of anxiety and worry. My excitement had been replaced by doubts and even sadness. I was absolutely terrified to leave my home and my friends. I kept asking God to give me reassurance, but each day as the summer ticked away I only felt more anxious.
But when I stepped on campus for move in day... every single one of this prayer were answered. It was like a breath of fresh air had filled my soul, that kind of peace that only God can give was surrounding me. After that, I felt like everything had fallen into place. My roommates and I instantly clicked, I was already getting involved on campus, and I felt so at home!
These emotions and experiences only reassured me in God's goodness. It taught me that trust is the foundation to my relationship with the Lord. I spent so much time worrying but ultimately all of my anxieties were crushed and replaced with pure goodness.
Since college, I've been trying to live in a constant state of surrender. it's a choice. Sometimes a battle- a battle I oftentimes lose. I want God to use me for His purpose and His purpose alone. I've been repeating the words of Mark 14 when Jesus is in the garden of Gethsemane, crying out, "not my will but yours be done."
Lord, not my will but yours be done.
New word!
One of my favorite things I've noticed people saying is the word "intentional" or "intentionality" and WOW this word is definitely a new favorite of mine. To me, it paints such a beautiful picture of being genuine & honest, living faithfully in a deliberate sense, and truly living for people other than yourself.
God never wanted us to live a passive life or have faith on accident... He wants us to intentionally live for Him and His cause. Faith is a choice and its something we have to actively say yes to again & again.
One of the best compliments I think I've received recently is when one of my sweet friends said "you love so intentionally." And just like faith, love was never supposed to be a still emotion, it's supposed to be something constantly moving, purposefully evolving, and deliberately pursued. This concept of love does NOT only pertain to romantic relationships. It needs to be in all familial relations, friendships, and even given to strangers. The Bible reiterates again & again that love needs to be given freely and constantly.
Lately it's been on my heart to love people little more recklessly... a little more like Jesus loves me. I may not be the best gift giver, but I try to love through my words and my presence. Use the Bible to guide you in how to intentionally love and support people. Even the enneagram is a great tool to find intentional ways to love the people in your life!
Ultimately, pray to be more conscious of your decisions. Pray to make those choices of love over & over & over again. Pray for the concept of intentionality to make its way into your heart.
Don't leave peanut butter and soap in a bowl to "wash it" or your roommate might be mad if it gets on her hand towel.
Yep. Lesson learned.
Get involved!
Getting involved on campus has been one of my favorite things about college! While college life certainly looks different these days, I am still trying to find my community of people to grow and do life with. I really encourage you to go out and find the things your passionate about! Whether it's a club, a class, a friend group, Greek Life, a ministry.... just do it!
Whether you are the most social person or maybe the least, just know there will be something that is out there for you to get involved in. Don't be afraid to try things out and know that you will find your "thing" eventually!
.... But don't over-commit.
Like I said, I love being busy! But this week I think I might have been a little TOO busy. I'll talk about this a little later in the blog, but I've been sacrificing some of my quiet time for other events.
I've heard many freshman fall into the trap of being SO excited about college life that they over-commit to activities and they really struggle with balancing academics, faith, and fun. While I am in a good balance with my activities and academics, I have noticed the quiet time I spent with the Lord during the first few weeks of school have been dwindling. This week one of my goals is to reprioritize and focus on the LORD. And my soul is ready for it!!!
I encourage y'all to try to do the same! Here are some questions I've been considering my my own faith life:
How much time have I actually spent with the Lord today? What about this week?
How have I seen the Lord in my life lately?
What have I been pouring into my heart and mind this week?
Have I been a good witness and evangelist lately?
Am I listening to what God has to say? Am I being still enough to hear His voice over the noise?
Stay genuine & you will find your people.
If you've read some of my instagram posts on my account @joyfullivinggg (, you probably know how much my sense of vulnerability has been transformed over the past few years. Since getting to college, I have been trying to genuinely get to know people for their hearts and I've been letting people in to get to know mine. I have been so blessed to have had so many deep talks about testimonies, fears, blessings, failures, successes, and everything in between with some of the sweet friends I've made.
I want them to know me, for well, me. I want to be genuine, trustworthy, honest, vulnerable, caring, helpful. Ultimately, I want God to use me through all of my relationships with people and that can only happen if I choose to be exactly who He created me to be.
If you put a mask on and if you try to be someone you're not, you are not fulfilling the purpose God has for you. God created you with so much capability and He appointed you to be YOU.
I know going to a new place can be so intimidating. Like I said earlier, I was terrified to go to college! But I have consciously tried to be my full, true self. I fail sometimes, I try to fit in, I put on masks depending on who I'm with (type three enneagram checkkk), but I am learning that God created me, Emory Bradford, to be a girl with a raw heart and He's instilled a passion within me to use that to help others in their faith journey.
God will use you. God will lead you to the right people. You just must first accept who God created you to be.
Be friends with your professors.
Yeah, so MAYBE I was the girl who invited all her favorite teacher and even her principal to her graduation party... but being friends with you professors is super useful and even fun! It's super important to remember that your professors are people too and they have their quirks, mistakes, and opinions. Facilitating genuine conversation can help both of you understand one another and it can help you get accustomed to their teaching style.
I personally love getting to know people for their hearts, so I've
loved introducing myself to my professors and allowing them to get a glimpse into who I really am. I know it can sometimes be intimidating, but I promise they will appreciate you reaching out to them!
You really really really need a planner.
In high school, I would use my planner for the first two weeks and then just start memorizing my assignments. And that worked for me! But now, I have to write everything down in my planner.
There will be so many different assignments, events, and priorities in a single day that it is just so useful and practical to have a space where you can document all you need to accomplish. I think I check mine at least two or three times a day now!
Seriously, get a planner.
Find ways to introduce your faith into all aspects of college life.
I really think going to a Christian college has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. For me, I knew I wanted my college life to be centered around God, and while simply going to a Christian university doesn't guarantee that, it certainly helps facilitate the tools I need to live a more Christ-like life.
Almost all of the papers I've written have had bits and pieces of my heart and spirituality embedded in them. My professors are open about Christianity and willing to give advice or guidance whether it be in academics or faith. My campus is constantly introducing us to new worship activities, small groups, etc.
But a Christian college is not a Christian college just because it says so.... its Christian because of the people who make it up. So if you go to a secular university, do not fear! God is ready to work there just as much as He is in any Christian school! I encourage you to surround yourself with people of the same faith. Try to reach out to people and emphasis evangelism. Make a small group! Or a large group (socially distanced, of course!). Try to make your college years less about you and more about Him.
Pray about literally anything & everything.
I have always tried to be in constant conversation with God, but whew, college makes me crave that stability even more!
The power of prayer is so important. It is so necessary to be able to talk to God in the busyness of everyday life. But I have been trying to be a little more intentional (the new word!!!!) with my prayer life. Due to the constant movement of college life, I haven't been spending as much reflection and quiet time with the Lord as I used to. While I still pray often, my soul craves the time between just the Lord and me. One of my favorite verses on the importance of stillness is Exodus 14:14 when the Lord says, "I will fight for you, you must only be still." In those still moments, the Lord is for you, He is leading you, and He wants you to listen.
I have been praying for guidance about so many things lately. And y'all, the Lord is delivering. He's opening new opportunities for me, helping me make decisions, and leading me closer to His heart. Don't be afraid to facilitate the hard conversations you need to have with the Lord. Tell Him your struggles, even tell Him your complaints! He will listen and He will work through you in so many new ways.
Thank you guys for reading! Have a blessed day sweet people!
I love this. Thanks for sharing your heart!!