Mary did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water? Mary did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters? Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new? This child that you've delivered, will soon deliver you.
This song has always been one of my Christmas favorites. The power behind the lyrics and the glimpse into Mary's life and emotions has always captivated me. This year especially, this song has been laid on my heart and I've really tried to apply it to my own life.
Mary was barely a teenager when she got pregnant. She wasn't married, was isolated, judged, and I'm sure she felt as alone as ever. But instead of allowing these earthly factors to determine her purpose, she listened to the ever-present voice of God.
And here's the thing that gets me: the pregnancy that torn apart Mary's earthly relationships and pushed her into isolation delivered the baby that changed the entire course of the world. God transformed the heartache that Mary felt into her purpose... and He can do the same for you!
Mary trusted God. She laid her life before Him and allowed Him to use her for His greater purpose. When the angel told her of God's plan, her first words weren't "Why me?" or "No, I don't want to," instead, she says, "I am your servant, may your word to me be fulfilled" (Luke 1:38). So often we get caught up in our own plans that we completely undermine what God has in store for us. When we get instructions from the Lord, a lot of the time our reaction is "nah I don't really wanna do that." And that's when we begin to lose sight of our purpose. In this world we always struggle with identity and purpose, but we look in all of the wrong places. We invest in people and jobs and sports and accomplishments and everything else while ignoring the One who created all. But like Mary, we can find our purpose when we invest in the promises and commands of God. So, friends, I pray that each of you can turn to God in the midst of whatever season you are in... genuinely ask Him to flood your life, tell Him you are ready to obey like Mary and I can promise you that He WILL transform your life and purpose into things you never thought were possible.
I know its hard to trust and to be obedient to God. So often God's timeline does not align with ours and its hard to comprehend the promises he has in store for us. But I also know that our purpose is found in our heartbreak and sadness and isolation. Like Mary, I'm sure we've all felt judged or isolated and it's hard... but in these times I feel like we find out more about ourselves and our relationship with God than any other period in life. Trials are our reminder that we cannot live this life without the support of a Savior.
In the height of my sickness, I wrestled with a lot of emotions. I couldn't figure out why I was going through it or how I should incorporate my faith into my struggles (which is ultimately why I started this blog). On more than one occasion I just remember crying out to God, asking Him to give me the obedience, patience, and hope that Mary had. I'm sure she carried the weight of a thousand emotions and struggles when God altered her life plan... but then the very baby she delivered carried the weight of the entire world so no one else would feel the pain of loneliness, depression, sin, anxiety, or whatever it may be. So now, like the song, I've been asking myself these questions:
Emory, did you know that your health problems would transform your faith and testimony?
Emory, did you know the heartbreaks and losses you endure will only push you into the arms of God?
Emory, did you know that your trials will make you new in Christ?
Putting my name in my own version of this song has really provided some clarity on my own purpose and my sense of hope. I know God will deliver me through everything, no matter how hard or crazy or upsetting. God isn't done with me. And He's not done with you either.
I hope and pray everyone has a very merry Christmas! Keep in mind the reason for this season and remember God's promises. If you ever need prayer requests or advice or just want to talk, always feel free to reach out to me! Thanks for reading :)